How to Get Kahoot

All participants were able to use tools from the role of teacher and student and live in first person its advantages and difficulties. In this article, we will tell you the possibilities and fundamental aspects of the Kahoot platform how you can use and get Kahoot with just a few simple steps.

The use of information technology and communication help us to make classes more interactive and collaborative. In this sense, the use of the mobile phone can promote student learning and can be used for evaluation of certain contents of the subjects of Analytic chemistry.

Many of you ask about tools to improve work processes or complete your training with digital tools. The tool that I present here is one of the ones that I like to teach the most, as it helps to make learning more dynamic and conferences and training sessions more fun and dynamic.

Kahoot it is one of the most used platforms in the educational field to carry out surveys since it is free for teachers or students, but it can also be used in the professional and business fields with the payment optionKahoot Plus is the version for organizations, which allows customizing the tool with the corporate image of the company.

Questions are answered from the Kahoot APP! Google Play | App Store ) that can be installed on the mobile or tablet. Kahoot! Furthermore, it allows the questionnaires to be solved individually or in groups. In this way, you can create teams to respond in a group and expand the gamification options; each group will have a device to respond together. The answers are displayed on a common screen, which is accessed through the teacher’s online panel in  Kahoot.

Kahoot is a free application that allows the teacher to create tests that students answer with their mobile phones. In this way, it is achieved that all students participate in class, and the teacher receives immediate information on the progress of the students. With these data, the teacher identifies the strengths and weaknesses of your students, and you can review those concepts that have not been sufficiently clear. Students, upon completion of the test, receive their punctuation and recognize those aspects of the subject they should reinforce and study more.

Get Kahoot – Kahoot Allows You to do all of that.

It is about designing an interface or board to play, called Kahoot, where questions regarding the content that the teacher introduces will appear, such as irregular verbs in English, types of triangles, characteristics of pictorial work.

Obviously, the first thing would be to register and choose to access through the option for teachers, and then create our profile either from our social profiles or from the manual entry of an email account.

There is a possibility that we can search and use Kahoots designed by other teachers. We would have to put the key terms of our search in the search bar, which will give us some results. Or through the ” Find Kahoots” option where they will appear organized by subject and in various languages. If we find one that is of interest to you, we will select it as ” Favorite ” by marking the star that appears next to it in order to keep it.

Although the interesting thing is that we create our Kahoot to our measure, for this, we will press the button ” NewK !” that appears in the upper right margin, and the four types of Kahoot that can be created will appear. The most common are test questions, although it is also convenient to investigate the options for debates and discussions.

Once we have selected the type of Kahoot we want, the cover of our Kahoot will open for us to fill it with content.

We must put a title to our Kahoot, a description with the keywords of its theme to later facilitate its search, whether it will be visible to everyone or just you, the language, and the audience for which it is intended. There is the possibility, recommended, on the other hand, to upload a descriptive image of the topic on which the Kahoot is going to deal.

And then we will proceed to add the questions.

We are now at the moment of creating the first question. We will select from a drop-down the time in seconds that we will give the student to answer depending on the complexity of the question and their level of knowledge. Four response options will be established, and we cannot forget to select the correct one in green. We can also upload a photograph or video not only to illustrate the question but also if we want to ask something about that video or image. We will press ” Next ” in the upper right margin of the screen to continue designing the next question.

If we make a preview of our Kahoot, we will see the cover and the sequence of ordered questions that we are adding. When we no longer have to add any more, we will save our Kahoot by pressing ” Save ” in the top right corner of the screen.

When we finish designing our Kahoot, we are offered the following options: edit in this case we have to modify or expand the Kahoot; preview; play to test the game, or share the link that is generated. To save definitely click on ” I’m done “.

And we will already have our Kahoot created and ready to start playing just by hitting the ” Play “.

Once a Kahoot is created, students must enter it by inserting a PIN code in the mobile application. In this way, the mobile becomes a remote control with which they can answer the questions quickly, while the screen shows the question and who is winning.

Image of the screen that is projected in the classroom of our Kahoot.

Image of how students respond from their mobile devices to what they see on the screen.

In the end, the points of the player who obtained the first place appear. We also have the option of playing again or heading to another game.

But the most remarkable thing is that we can save the results of the game from assessing all the students based on their answers. Either by downloading a file with the results or saving them in Google Drive.

Get Started with Kahoot – Types of Tests

The easiest and most comfortable way to prepare tests Kahoot type is generally by using a computer. The access address to the application is Once inside, you need to identify yourself as a user or generate an account if it is the first time that we use the tool.

The basic options in the personal space of each there are two users: create a new test (New Kahoot) or review some old. The application allows for generating four different types of tests:

(1) Questionnaires ( Quiz )to select the correct option from multiple answers, 

(2) Puzzles ( Jumble ) to order a sequence of stages, 

(3) Open questions ( Discussion ) to generate debate and 

(4) Opinion of survey type ( Survey ) to gather students’ opinions on some specific aspect. It is not possible to combine questions of different types in the same test. After selecting the type of exercise, questions are written and up to four possible answers for each one. The teacher must mark the correct choice in each case.

Then it is time students will have to answer the questions. This time may be different in each of them and can vary between 5s and 2 min. In the case of debate and survey-type questions, the teacher also can pose up to four possible answers, but not can logically mark the correct one due to the nature of the same.

Kahoot allows sharing evidence with other teachers if you know your username on the application. If unknown, you can send them a link to the test via Twitter, Facebook or electronic email, among other possibilities. Once it is pressed on the link, you will have access to the test. An interesting option that Kahoot allows viewing the test as the students will see it in class.

It is necessary to select one from our repository and check the preview option. From this moment, the computer screen will split into two parts. On the left will be shown the image that the student will see projected in the classroom thanks to the cannon and to the right information you will have on your mobile phone. Stages to develop a test in the classroom sequence of stages when a test is used in the classroom are as follows:

Stage: 1

The teacher selects the test you want to use from personal space and press “play” ( play) in his computer.

Stage: 2

Students connect to the application from their phones by typing the address Another option is that they have downloaded the mobile application, although this is not essential to participate in the test.

Stage: 3

The number or code is shown on the classroom screen test pin. This is a number that the application facilitates directly. Students must enter it on his phone.

Stage: 4

Subsequently, the student enters his name and surnames on the mobile. These data are registered in the teacher’s computer, and they will be displayed on the screen of the classroom with the total number of students which will allow the teacher to check that everyone has entered the data correctly. On the other hand, the student will see on his phone that has been successfully registered ( you are in ).

Stage: 5

The title of the test is shown on the classroom screen and the number of questions of which it consists.

Stage: 6

Start of the test. The student must read the question and the answers on the classroom screen. Every answer framed in boxes of different colors. You must answer on your mobile phone by pressing that color containing the correct answer. You can check in every moment the time you have available to answer the question. The classroom screen also shows the number of students who are responding to the question. 

Figures 1 and 2 show two examples of multiple choice question and puzzle type questions, respectively. In them, both the information that is projected in the classroom (right) as the one saw by students on their mobiles (left). 

In the case of puzzle type question, the student must drag the rectangles from the bottom and place them in the row higher according to the order of stages in spectrophotometry of atomic absorption.

Stage: 7

Once everyone has responded or the time is up is over, students can see on their mobile if they have succeeded or failed. The classroom screen will show the correct choice and a bar chart that allows observing the number of students who have answered each option.

Stage: 8.

The process continues identically with the rest of the test questions.

Figure 1: Question with multiple answers select the correct option. On the left is the information that the teacher projects in the classroom and right the one that the student has on his phone.

Figure 2: Question to order a sequence of stages. On the left is the information that the teacher projects in the classroom and to the right the one that the student has on the phone.

Stage: 9

After the last question, they are shown in the classroom display the names of students who have obtained the best results. The teacher must click on the option to get results and later to save them. The teacher receives in his computer an excel file in which there is information ordered by both questions and students. 

The most important information is the following: the number of successes and failures of each student, the percentage of the correct answer each question and average time used in each of them. Before finalizing the Kahoot experience, the student has to answer a small survey of four type satisfaction questions is compulsory: a number of stars that you would give the app would recommend it, etc. Finally, After answering the survey, each student receives on his mobile their number of correct and incorrect answers and the position he occupies in front of his peers.

Below you can see a video tutorial on the use of this tool; I hope you enjoy it and tell us how it works for you. Keep in mind that with gamification strategies, you can go further and use the tool in a very creative and fun way.

Kahoot can be used Outside the Classroom – Exercises at Home

Another interesting possibility is to carry out tests at home. In this case, the teacher must indicate that the test what you want the students to do is an exercise for the house (challenge) and the time that will be available (1 day, 1week, etc.). 

Subsequently, the teacher sends his students a challenge link or the pin code of the proof. In this type of exercises, the student has on his phone both questions and answers. In figure 4 shows the notice the student receives when the access test (left) and an example of one of the questions of this type that the attendees answered the days.

Figure 4: The message you receive is shown on the left the student after clicking on the link or entering the pin code provided. On the right is one of the “home exercise” questions that were answered assistants to the day.


Kahoot may be a suitable option for evaluation of certain contents of a subject and provides the teacher with immediate information on the progress of students. With the information, the student receives, after taking the test, you can know better those points on which you should focus and study more.