How to Play Kahoot Quiz Games

In this blog, I will post different things. One category that is close to my heart is teaching and my personal experience in it. This post is the first of many. There are many things that I have learned in recent years that have changed my teaching. One of those things is Kahoot. If you don’t know it yet, you should urgently get access and simply try out what it’s all about. In this post, we first look at what Kahoot actually is, how to play Kahoot quiz games, how it works in detail, and what pedagogical uses, advantages, and disadvantages I see here.

What is Kahoot?

Kahoot is a free learning platform where you can create interactive quizzes that you can play with a school class (or at a family party, a company meeting, etc.). You can create the questions yourself, the answer options as well. You can integrate videos, pictures and audio files and thus support the whole thing audiovisually. A simple formula can also be included as a question or answer.

The clue to Kahoot is that the participants can play against each other (more on this below) and collect points. Of course, this appeals to students/relatives/employees because they want to be the best and need to answer as many questions as possible correctly. This thought spurs us on and is also a lot of fun!

In short, this is shown in the official video:

Registration and Login

To register, you have to go to and register for free. The registration itself only has to be made by those who want to create a quiz. This means that students can play without registration, which is a huge advantage compared to this type of site that requires registration.

How do you Create a Kahoot Quiz?

About “New K!” you come to the page where you can create a quiz. (This post is dedicated to the easy-to-understand quiz, I will deal with the other options later.) After entering a title and a handful of keywords, you can add pictures or videos there.

If you only want to work for yourself (and your classes), select the appropriate entry under Visibility, choose the language of the questions/answers and use “School” as the audience. What you enter here doesn’t really matter, because you can access it yourself whenever you want.

These entries really make sense if you want to make your Kahoot public. Then powerful keywords, a reasonable title, and an appropriate target group should be the be-all and end-all.

If you are satisfied with your input, you create the Kahoot and will be forwarded to the first question page. Once there, you should first think about the title of the question, can add pictures/videos and choose the answer options. There are four different answer options by default, several of which can be correct. If you need fewer answer options, simply leave the corresponding fields blank. Which answer is correct can easily be set.

Two important options for each question: awarding points and time limit.

Each question has a time limit between 5 and 120 seconds. The default is 20 seconds, which is enough for most questions. This creates a bit of pressure, which most students need. Points are also distributed for each question. If you are correct, you can collect up to 1000 points per question. The points awarded decrease over time so that quick answers can usually reach 900 points.

Important here: if you answer several questions correctly in a row, you get extra points. Means: right goes fast!

If you are satisfied with your questions, you are already done. I myself sometimes created kahoots shortly before class. If you know how to do it, it can be done very quickly.

If you don’t want to create your own quiz, you can also search for suitable kahoots and play them. Here you should definitely look at them yourself.

How do you play Kahoot?

You don’t need much: a computer, a projector, and students who have a smartphone ready. Ideally, with the app, which can be downloaded from the corresponding stores ( Android or Apple ). The whole thing also works in the smartphone browser, but there can sometimes be complications if something does not fit properly.

The quiz leader opens his account, navigates to his Kahoot, throws all of this onto the wall via the projector and the kids receive a game pin that they have to enter to access the Kahoot. Then you can think of a nickname (I’m a fan of real names), and off you go.

The questions are displayed, the pupils can answer them immediately on their own smartphone (via colored buttons) and receive immediate feedback on their answer.

Answers that were given incorrectly can still be discussed after the question. This often shows misconceptions by students that can be incorporated as a diagnosis in the classroom.

Team mode is also excellent. There, several students can play together in a team against other teams. This is particularly useful in classes in which not everyone has their own smartphone. In addition, a team is more and more happy than individual players.

How does Kahoot work Step by Step Guide

Kahoot is the latest hit in the classroom! With Kahoot, a quiz, survey or discussion can be easily created. Kahoot is a game based blended learning platform. Images or videos can be displayed in the questions. Your students will be amazed.

That’s how it’s done.

Log in

So that a quiz can be created, a login is required. This can be done via the Kahoot! Get my free account page. When creating, you will be asked for the role (including teacher, student over or under 16, etc.) school, name, email address and desired password.

Create Quiz

  1. Log on to the Kahoot! Side by side. 
  2. Click the “New K!” Button
  3. Select from “Quiz”, “Discussion” or “Survey”.
  4. Type in the quiz name and click “Go!”
  5. Create your questions. You can insert pictures or videos, duration of the response time and the correct answer.
  6. After you have created all questions, click on “Next settings” and set the language, public or private, description of the quiz, etc.
  7. Click on “Next Cover image” and select the desired start image on your computer.
  8. Click on “Done”. Your quiz is created and can be accessed at any time via “Me!” changed, copied or deleted. 

How to Play Kahoot Quiz Games

  1. Select the desired quiz from the menu item “Me!” and click “Play.” 
  2. Click “Launch.” Students get Kahoot time! Via your smartphone (Android app) or via the browser
  3. Students type in their pin and nickname.
  4. The logged-in students are now visible on the teacher screen (projector).
  5. Students complete the quiz and the winner appears at the end.
  6. Via the menu item “New K!” the evaluation can be downloaded as an Excel document on the right side of the screen. The evaluation is documented in great detail on three different worksheets.

It’s best to start with a test right away; the students will be delighted.


Via the menu item “Public” you will find further quizzes that you can use. If you select Preview, you can try out the quiz on the screen.

Possible uses of Kahoot quizzes

I use Kahoot for different purposes:

  • Repetition:

  • It is very good for repetition at the beginning of the lesson when the students have to access the knowledge of the previous unit and have to test themselves
  • Securing:

  • At the end of an hour, so that the material you have learned or the newly acquired knowledge and skills is consolidated through questions.
  • As a cognitive conflict

  • Students often think that they already know everything. These (often wrong) pre-concepts can be used by such quizzes to open them up to new knowledge because they realize that they have misunderstood or internalized something wrong.
  • Student

  • Let your students create Kahoots! They deal intensively with the topics, try to design the most difficult questions possible and learn a lot in the process. One advantage (among many others!): As a teacher, you can play along and show that – just like the students – you are not right on every question.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Quick and easy to create
  • Loosens up lessons
  • Spurs thought
  • Activates all (!), students
  • It is audiovisually supportable
  • It is free
  • Shows students their own mistakes
  • Can also be created by students and may thus be used for self-organized learning
  • No fear of wrong answers, because anonymous
  • Possibility to also work at home (more on that later, here the official announcement )
  • Can also be used via the browser
  • Incorrect answers are often a better diagnosis for misunderstood content than asking individual students


  • It is addictive because you want to play one more right after you. It can take time
  • A stable internet connection is urgently needed
  • Now and then the connection does not work correctly even with a stable internet
  • You need computers and projectors
  • You need rudimentary English skills to create
  • Students who do not have a smartphone cannot play in 1 vs 1

Final Words

At the end of the entire game round, the three best players are displayed on a podium. The teacher can now save the results. This takes the form of a downloadable Excel file that contains a detailed overview of the round played. You can understand every answer of every player. If the technical equipment allows all students present to take the quiz, the results overview can also be used as a learning status check. So here you see how to play Kahoot quiz games step by step hope you like it.

What possibilities of playful repetition in class do you use? What experience have you had with Kahoot or similar tools? How do students react to you? Let me know!

How to Get Kahoot

All participants were able to use tools from the role of teacher and student and live in first person its advantages and difficulties. In this article, we will tell you the possibilities and fundamental aspects of the Kahoot platform how you can use and get Kahoot with just a few simple steps.

The use of information technology and communication help us to make classes more interactive and collaborative. In this sense, the use of the mobile phone can promote student learning and can be used for evaluation of certain contents of the subjects of Analytic chemistry.

Many of you ask about tools to improve work processes or complete your training with digital tools. The tool that I present here is one of the ones that I like to teach the most, as it helps to make learning more dynamic and conferences and training sessions more fun and dynamic.

Kahoot it is one of the most used platforms in the educational field to carry out surveys since it is free for teachers or students, but it can also be used in the professional and business fields with the payment optionKahoot Plus is the version for organizations, which allows customizing the tool with the corporate image of the company.

Questions are answered from the Kahoot APP! Google Play | App Store ) that can be installed on the mobile or tablet. Kahoot! Furthermore, it allows the questionnaires to be solved individually or in groups. In this way, you can create teams to respond in a group and expand the gamification options; each group will have a device to respond together. The answers are displayed on a common screen, which is accessed through the teacher’s online panel in  Kahoot.

Kahoot is a free application that allows the teacher to create tests that students answer with their mobile phones. In this way, it is achieved that all students participate in class, and the teacher receives immediate information on the progress of the students. With these data, the teacher identifies the strengths and weaknesses of your students, and you can review those concepts that have not been sufficiently clear. Students, upon completion of the test, receive their punctuation and recognize those aspects of the subject they should reinforce and study more.

Get Kahoot – Kahoot Allows You to do all of that.

It is about designing an interface or board to play, called Kahoot, where questions regarding the content that the teacher introduces will appear, such as irregular verbs in English, types of triangles, characteristics of pictorial work.

Obviously, the first thing would be to register and choose to access through the option for teachers, and then create our profile either from our social profiles or from the manual entry of an email account.

There is a possibility that we can search and use Kahoots designed by other teachers. We would have to put the key terms of our search in the search bar, which will give us some results. Or through the ” Find Kahoots” option where they will appear organized by subject and in various languages. If we find one that is of interest to you, we will select it as ” Favorite ” by marking the star that appears next to it in order to keep it.

Although the interesting thing is that we create our Kahoot to our measure, for this, we will press the button ” NewK !” that appears in the upper right margin, and the four types of Kahoot that can be created will appear. The most common are test questions, although it is also convenient to investigate the options for debates and discussions.

Once we have selected the type of Kahoot we want, the cover of our Kahoot will open for us to fill it with content.

We must put a title to our Kahoot, a description with the keywords of its theme to later facilitate its search, whether it will be visible to everyone or just you, the language, and the audience for which it is intended. There is the possibility, recommended, on the other hand, to upload a descriptive image of the topic on which the Kahoot is going to deal.

And then we will proceed to add the questions.

We are now at the moment of creating the first question. We will select from a drop-down the time in seconds that we will give the student to answer depending on the complexity of the question and their level of knowledge. Four response options will be established, and we cannot forget to select the correct one in green. We can also upload a photograph or video not only to illustrate the question but also if we want to ask something about that video or image. We will press ” Next ” in the upper right margin of the screen to continue designing the next question.

If we make a preview of our Kahoot, we will see the cover and the sequence of ordered questions that we are adding. When we no longer have to add any more, we will save our Kahoot by pressing ” Save ” in the top right corner of the screen.

When we finish designing our Kahoot, we are offered the following options: edit in this case we have to modify or expand the Kahoot; preview; play to test the game, or share the link that is generated. To save definitely click on ” I’m done “.

And we will already have our Kahoot created and ready to start playing just by hitting the ” Play “.

Once a Kahoot is created, students must enter it by inserting a PIN code in the mobile application. In this way, the mobile becomes a remote control with which they can answer the questions quickly, while the screen shows the question and who is winning.

Image of the screen that is projected in the classroom of our Kahoot.

Image of how students respond from their mobile devices to what they see on the screen.

In the end, the points of the player who obtained the first place appear. We also have the option of playing again or heading to another game.

But the most remarkable thing is that we can save the results of the game from assessing all the students based on their answers. Either by downloading a file with the results or saving them in Google Drive.

Get Started with Kahoot – Types of Tests

The easiest and most comfortable way to prepare tests Kahoot type is generally by using a computer. The access address to the application is Once inside, you need to identify yourself as a user or generate an account if it is the first time that we use the tool.

The basic options in the personal space of each there are two users: create a new test (New Kahoot) or review some old. The application allows for generating four different types of tests:

(1) Questionnaires ( Quiz )to select the correct option from multiple answers, 

(2) Puzzles ( Jumble ) to order a sequence of stages, 

(3) Open questions ( Discussion ) to generate debate and 

(4) Opinion of survey type ( Survey ) to gather students’ opinions on some specific aspect. It is not possible to combine questions of different types in the same test. After selecting the type of exercise, questions are written and up to four possible answers for each one. The teacher must mark the correct choice in each case.

Then it is time students will have to answer the questions. This time may be different in each of them and can vary between 5s and 2 min. In the case of debate and survey-type questions, the teacher also can pose up to four possible answers, but not can logically mark the correct one due to the nature of the same.

Kahoot allows sharing evidence with other teachers if you know your username on the application. If unknown, you can send them a link to the test via Twitter, Facebook or electronic email, among other possibilities. Once it is pressed on the link, you will have access to the test. An interesting option that Kahoot allows viewing the test as the students will see it in class.

It is necessary to select one from our repository and check the preview option. From this moment, the computer screen will split into two parts. On the left will be shown the image that the student will see projected in the classroom thanks to the cannon and to the right information you will have on your mobile phone. Stages to develop a test in the classroom sequence of stages when a test is used in the classroom are as follows:

Stage: 1

The teacher selects the test you want to use from personal space and press “play” ( play) in his computer.

Stage: 2

Students connect to the application from their phones by typing the address Another option is that they have downloaded the mobile application, although this is not essential to participate in the test.

Stage: 3

The number or code is shown on the classroom screen test pin. This is a number that the application facilitates directly. Students must enter it on his phone.

Stage: 4

Subsequently, the student enters his name and surnames on the mobile. These data are registered in the teacher’s computer, and they will be displayed on the screen of the classroom with the total number of students which will allow the teacher to check that everyone has entered the data correctly. On the other hand, the student will see on his phone that has been successfully registered ( you are in ).

Stage: 5

The title of the test is shown on the classroom screen and the number of questions of which it consists.

Stage: 6

Start of the test. The student must read the question and the answers on the classroom screen. Every answer framed in boxes of different colors. You must answer on your mobile phone by pressing that color containing the correct answer. You can check in every moment the time you have available to answer the question. The classroom screen also shows the number of students who are responding to the question. 

Figures 1 and 2 show two examples of multiple choice question and puzzle type questions, respectively. In them, both the information that is projected in the classroom (right) as the one saw by students on their mobiles (left). 

In the case of puzzle type question, the student must drag the rectangles from the bottom and place them in the row higher according to the order of stages in spectrophotometry of atomic absorption.

Stage: 7

Once everyone has responded or the time is up is over, students can see on their mobile if they have succeeded or failed. The classroom screen will show the correct choice and a bar chart that allows observing the number of students who have answered each option.

Stage: 8.

The process continues identically with the rest of the test questions.

Figure 1: Question with multiple answers select the correct option. On the left is the information that the teacher projects in the classroom and right the one that the student has on his phone.

Figure 2: Question to order a sequence of stages. On the left is the information that the teacher projects in the classroom and to the right the one that the student has on the phone.

Stage: 9

After the last question, they are shown in the classroom display the names of students who have obtained the best results. The teacher must click on the option to get results and later to save them. The teacher receives in his computer an excel file in which there is information ordered by both questions and students. 

The most important information is the following: the number of successes and failures of each student, the percentage of the correct answer each question and average time used in each of them. Before finalizing the Kahoot experience, the student has to answer a small survey of four type satisfaction questions is compulsory: a number of stars that you would give the app would recommend it, etc. Finally, After answering the survey, each student receives on his mobile their number of correct and incorrect answers and the position he occupies in front of his peers.

Below you can see a video tutorial on the use of this tool; I hope you enjoy it and tell us how it works for you. Keep in mind that with gamification strategies, you can go further and use the tool in a very creative and fun way.

Kahoot can be used Outside the Classroom – Exercises at Home

Another interesting possibility is to carry out tests at home. In this case, the teacher must indicate that the test what you want the students to do is an exercise for the house (challenge) and the time that will be available (1 day, 1week, etc.). 

Subsequently, the teacher sends his students a challenge link or the pin code of the proof. In this type of exercises, the student has on his phone both questions and answers. In figure 4 shows the notice the student receives when the access test (left) and an example of one of the questions of this type that the attendees answered the days.

Figure 4: The message you receive is shown on the left the student after clicking on the link or entering the pin code provided. On the right is one of the “home exercise” questions that were answered assistants to the day.


Kahoot may be a suitable option for evaluation of certain contents of a subject and provides the teacher with immediate information on the progress of students. With the information, the student receives, after taking the test, you can know better those points on which you should focus and study more.

Kahoot Questions – How to Ask the Questions of a Kahoot?

When we are creating a Kahoot, it is interesting to vary the type of questions to ask. This allows us to adapt to different types of students. Here you will learn how to ask Kahoot questions.

Here are some ideas so that you can incorporate your Kahoots.

  • True option test question: this would be the most traditional option. There is a question where the correct answer is one of four (or less) options.
  • An answer to which a question corresponds: the answer is written in the statement and four possible questions, of which only one corresponds to the answer.
  • The question to find the false question: there is a question where all the answers except one are correct. You have to answer, which is the false one.
  • True or False: A statement is written, and you must answer whether it is true or false.
  • Discover an image: we create a gif where an image is discovered about which the question is stated.
  • Analyze a video: a question is asked about the content of a video that is projected during the response time.
  • Fill in the gap in the sentence: the statement is comprised of an incomplete sentence whose gap is filled with one of the four possible options.
  • Analyze the image: a question is asked based on the analysis of an image. It can be a mathematical problem to be completed, an image that is missing an element, analyzing an error found in the image, etc.
  • Answer over audio: it would be done the same as in the video option. The difference is that you would have to save audio on YouTube with a black image since Kahoot does not allow you to upload audio files.

How Long Should a Question Last?

Kahoot recommends that a contest lasts around 4 minutes since they have found that this period is where greater motivation towards the game is achieved. At the same time, they recommend that in the most classic mode (Quiz with four-choice test questions), there are between 10-20 questions maximum.

If we do a Quiz of 15 questions with a duration of 20″ (which is the predetermined time), our Kahoot will last 5 minutes, to which we must add the transition time between questions and the explanations we make.

Taking this 4-minute reference into account, the number of questions will vary depending on the time dedicated to each one. We usually use three types of games depending on the time spent on the questions:

  • Speed ​​games “Fast and Furious”: they are Kahoots with 40-50 questions whose response time is 5. “The short response time forces us to ask them true or false questions or with two possible answers that can be read quickly.
  • Normal Speed ​​Kahoot: Follow the guidelines outlined above, between 10-20 questions from 10 “-20”.
  • Reflection Kahoot “Chill out”: questions whose answer implies having to look for information or do some kind of task (solve a mathematical problem, do a syntactic analysis, search on a map …). They can be 5-6 questions between 60 “-120”.
  • Mixed Kahoot: we start with a general question of introduction to a topic, and that requires tasks such as reading a text, watching a video, etc. These questions would last around 60″ and are followed by questions about that first normal-length introduction, ending the block with speed questions. The following is a proposal for a mixed Kahoot:
  1. The topic or content 1.
    • 1 general question of 60″-120″ that is accompanied by a task (watching a video, reading a text, sharing information with others, etc.)
    • 2 classic 20″ questions about the above information.
    • 2 quick 5″ questions about the explanations of the previous answers.
  1. The topic or content 2.
    • 1 general question of 60″-120″ that is accompanied by a task (watching a video, reading a text, sharing information with others, etc.)
    • 2 classic 20″ questions about the above information.
    • 2 quick 5″ questions about the explanations of the previous answers.
  1. 6 quick 5″ questions on both topics.

What is Kahoot – How to Use Kahoot in 2021

Here are some videos that can help you in the first steps when using Kahoot. Here you will learn what is Kahoot and how to use Kahoot step by step a complete video guide.

Ideas for Using Kahoot in the Classroom:

Here you have different resources to use Kahoot in the classroom.

  1. Do you want to know how to create a game?
  2. How to ask the questions of a Kahoot?
  3. Tricks to increase the quality of your games
  4. Some tricks you still don’t know about Kahoot
  5. Ideas to take advantage of the ghost mode of Kahoot
  6. What is a blind Kahoot?
  7. Kahoot and cooperative learning
  8. Kahoot and learning through research
  9. From apprentices to leaders
  10. How to analyze the results of a Kahoot?
  11. Manage motivation in Kahoot by modifying the reward system
  12. Kahoot faq

What Is Kahoot?

How can We Start using Kahoot?

How to Create a Kahoot Game?

How to Play Kahoot?

What is a Blind Kahoot!?

Kahoot Ghost Mode – Ideas to Take Advantage of the Ghost Mode

Kahoot ghost mode is one of the most interesting functions to increase the motivation of those students who are no longer surprised playing Kahoot because they have played many times.

In this post, we are going to present some ideas that will allow you to get the most out of the ghost mode.

Compete against Famous People or Celebrities

We propose a fictional game mode against a celebrity related to the theme of the game content. For example, compete against Einstein in a physics Kahoot, or against Nelson Mandela in a Kahoot on Human Rights. To do this, what we have to do is play previously by entering as the nickname the name of that celebrity. In this way, that fictitious “Einstein” will appear in the ranking panel after each response.

Compete against the Previous Score

Ghost mode allows students to face their previous scores. We can send the link or post it on our blog or digital platform so that they can play with the score they got when they were in class.

Competing against a Teacher from Another subject

What student does not feel like winning the language teacher in a Kahoot about mathematics. We can invite classmates to play a Kahoot on a specific topic, and then our students will play against their score. Ideally, the opening video of the Kahoot will be that the teacher is challenging them to beat him.

Compete against Another Class

Kahoot’s social aspect is one of his keys to success. Its creators assure that the results are much better when the students have the feeling of winning as a team than when they do it individually. Therefore, we can play a Kahoot with a group in which students from another group have already participated, so that they have their peers’ scores as a reference.

How to Make a Kahoot – Step-by-step guide for teachers

You’ve probably heard of the Kahoot gameor the word “Kahooting”. Well then,  Kahoot! It is an online application that day by day is gaining ground in different classrooms around the world. This is because it allows you to create a fully game-based multiple response system that is adaptable to any age and need. Here we will tell you how to make a Kahoot and how to lean by playing the Kahoot platform.

We can see this gamified response system from two aspects: that are the creator and how it is created and, on the other hand, that of the participant and the modes of play.

Make a Kahoot

First, the game must be created. To play, only the developer needs to have an account; participants only need pin code. This tool allows you, as a developer, to make questionnaires, surveys, or discussions, adapting them to the public you want to target and on the topics, concepts, and knowledge you want.

We refer to creator or developer in broad strokes since the option of creating content is given to any user, both teachers, and students; You should only indicate when registering if you are a teacher, student over 16 years old, a student under 16 years old if you use it for business purposes or in a social way.

Create Questions For Students

I want to highlight this fact because within an educational context it is very interesting since it allows us to carry out peer-to-peer work ( peer-to-peer ), making students the protagonists of their learning while also basing learning not to answer, but to question yourself and make your peers question themselves in a fun and engaging way.

In this way, the student can acquire both the role of the participant and the role of leader when creating the resource and presenting it to classmates.

On the other hand, the participant visualizes the questions projected in the classroom and, at the same time, must answer using his own device. This is done in real-time through a game-based system in order to increase student engagement and motivation.

By involving the students’ own devices, it allows us to work through a BYOD system (Bring Your Own Device), which makes us need only a computer to which a projector can be connected to view the issues (materials that today found in almost all educational classrooms).

Students can access the game with any device they have (tablets, smartphones, laptops…). This is possible through the code provided by the Kahoot, and that entering it on the web allows us to access the game without any type of registration or download of a specific program, it will only ask us for a name or pseudonym in order to carry out the leaderboards later.

When talking about leaderboards, feedback comes to mind. We found that Kahoot roughly offers us two modalities, both in real-time. In-game questions have a response time. Once this is finished, the correct answer appears and a small leaderboard of the participants who responded the fastest.

In addition, once all the questions of the game are finished, another ranking is created where all the participants are classified, and a summary is shown in the table format of all the successes, failures, and response times of the participants. The latter will be saved in the resource developer’s account in the results section.

In short, this game modality gives you the option of knowing your “pros” and “cons” thanks to this immediate, real-time and long-term feedback, seeing the improvements or deteriorations of the participants when participating in different questionnaires.

The application that we can give to these resources is quite wide and adjustable to each case, from “breaking the ice” to introduce a topic, going through reviewing the topics that have been given in the classroom and reinforcing knowledge, to use it as a way of pre-evaluation or practice before an exam.

Ghost Mode

As a positive point, we found that the Kahoot! It continues to develop improvements to the application and new game modes such as Ghost Mode, a way in which students can re-take the same questionnaires and beat themselves to reinforce knowledge and motivation.

Another aspect to consider is that Kahoot! based on their own experience with the game in a university classroom and, at the same time, seeing multiple and different opinions on social networks, the vast majority agree on the good climate generated by this resource in the classroom.

Make a Kahoot on Your Own Device

The real secret of this game is that, although you work through your own device, you cannot stay immersed in it, but you must pay attention to what is happening around you since the questions and answers only appear on a screen. This gamified system Kahoot allows us to introduce into the classroom, regardless of age, it offers an environment of excitement for the participants that leads to a very dynamic and collaborative climate.

On the other hand, we must not forget other aspects that the participants develop, regardless of the topic that is discussed in the resource: reflexes, attention, logical thinking, and, at the time, they become developers, creativity is enhanced.

How to Play Kahoot Tutorial – We Learn by Playing Kahoot

A test-type exam to check if your students are learning what are you seeing of a subject in class can be most boring for the student and one more pile of work to correct the teacher … but if you turn it into something fun where the game and competition come first, they will have fun and learn more easily. You will in this post how to create and play Kahoot step by step.

For this the Kahoot platform is easy to use and fun for the teacher and students; On this platform, we can create “mini-contests” and create test questions and 4 possible answers to see the learning of our minis.

Kahoot is a free online platform and has two websites for its use, on the one hand, getKahoot! which is the platform that the teacher will use to create their tests and on the other hand where students will access to follow the test.

Create Kahoot

The first thing is to access and register on the getKahoot platform and register by filling in the fields required for it. Once the registration is complete, you can now access your main panel and search among the thousands of Kahoot created and shared by other people, or create your own.

To create a new one, you must click on Quiz, and you will directly access the main page of the creation of your new test, where you must select a title, language, description of the topic and you can attach the main image for this test and a video (it can be used as a pill to review the important points of the topic on which you develop the test). Also on this first screen, you can select visibility (if you want to share it with the Kahoot community or just private for yourself).

Once the title is completed, you can start designing the questions; you can ask as many as you require for the topic. For each question it will ask you:

  • Question title
  • If you want to add a time limit to the answers
  • Points summer for the question (helps the competition mode)
  • Image or mini-video about each of the questions
  • And four possible answers (one true and three false

Once the question is created, you have to select by means of the “tic” which is the correct answer and press the Next button to go to the next one. When you have finished creating all the questions you need, save the “Save” changes, and you will have created your first test for the theme’s super contest.

From your main panel, you can access your created Kahoot, and simply by pressing the “Play” button, your students can participate in the test.

You must project the Play screen onto the board, and your students will be able to access the game (PC, tablet or smartphone) from any type of device by accessing the website and selecting the code that you project on your game.

When the teacher clicks on “Play” on their Kahoot, the following screen will appear to choose the game mode (the “Classic” individual mode will be used to check the learning status of all the students one by one) and will display a code that is the one that students enter in the device to access the test.

When they agree, it will ask them for a name that will serve to see the response time to respond and the percentage of successes and failures of each one. When you see all registered on-screen press “Start”, and the game begins.

Once started, the questions will appear with four possible answers differentiated by four different colors, in addition to the time to answer (if you have set a time limit), they will only have the four colors on their screens, and they will simply have to click on the color of the correct answer, to be able to continue. After the presentation time, the number of hits and misses of the question and a ranking of the players with positions for correct answers and speed of response appear on the teacher’s screen (projector).

At the end, you can see the results of each student on your main screen, and they can assess the test and make comments.

5 Tricks to Increase the Quality of your Kahoot Games

Here we have put some tips that can improve the quality of your Kahoots.

Add Images or Videos

Adding images or videos increases motivation and complements the text of the questions. In addition, we can take advantage of videos and images to create different challenges:

  • What is behind the image? We have an image that is being discovered, and you have to guess what it is about before the others. It makes the students have to visualize the complete answer before seeing it.
  • What is the error in the image? They present an image that has an error (a mathematical problem, a technical execution, etc.), and they have to select the error found in the photo.
  • Create a small presentation by making a gif or giphy where the answer to the question can be.
  • Ask about the content of a video.

Explain the Answers after Each Round

It is convenient to explain the answers expanding the content once the question has aroused in the student’s curiosity to learn about this topic. On the results page where the bars with the students’ answers are shown, you can use the show image button to see the image that explains the answer again. Here are some ideas on how to use Kahoot to explain content:

  • Start with a blind question: blind questions are about content that a priori is unknown to students. The questions have great power to arouse the curiosity of the students; we will take advantage of their answers to expose that content. It is recommended that these questions are not scored.
  • Stop on those questions that generate a large number of incorrect answers or that have been answered randomly (we can see it because the distribution of the answers is similar to a Gaussian bell).
  • Pause to refresh content after a series of quick questions that have the same theme in common.

Involves Students

The involvement of students in all learning processes is key to increasing both the commitment to the task, as well as the motivation towards it, as well as their ability to self-regulate their learning. We can involve students in different ways:

  • Learners to Leaders: Kahoot has designed a process through which students generate their own Kahoot for their classmates after a prior research process.
  • We can involve students in explaining the answers. For example, the leader of the ranking explains the reason for the last answer.

The Type of Questions Varies

The variety principle is very effective in keeping motivation and commitment to the task high. In addition, the characteristics that differentiate students make them feel more or less competent, depending on the type of questions that are asked. You can see different types of questions at the end of this post.

Create a Common Thread

This is a detail for experts. When the Kahoot has a narration that structures each question, the player has an easier time feeling that it flows through the game. Some ways to build that narration can be:

  • Join some questions with others; that is, question 2 has to do with the answer to question 1.
  • Create a setting around the topic, even inviting students to put nicknames related to the topic, as well as using special language and related images or videos. For example, a Quiz related to StarWars where the questions are written as if Yoda spoke and the nicknames of the students are Jose Skywalker, Pedro2-D2, Silvia Organa…

And do not Forget…

Apart from the previous tricks, some aspects to keep in mind to improve your Kahoots are:

Don’t add too many questions. Remember that a Kahoot must be around 4 minutes long, which is about 10 questions of 20″.

If you want to keep a continuous record of the assessment, ask students to use the same name each time. If you just want them to have a good time, it’s enough that they put a nickname.

Kahoot allows feedback on the experience that students have had after completing the test. Remind players to complete this screen so that you can analyze possible difficulties and suggestions for improvement.

Share your Kahoots with the community. To share effectively, it will help you to put labels and complete all the fields in the description of the Kahoot. In addition, you can share your Kahoot link in normal or ghost mode, both with your students and on social networks.

It must be an achievable challenge. It is important that questions pose some difficulty, but it is essential to ensure that most questions can be answered correctly. In the event that you do a blind Kahoot on a topic that the students do not know the contents of, we recommend that you use the Survey mode without scoring and without immediate feedback on the result. This allows students to focus on the content and not decrease their motivation due to a lack of skill to solve the challenge.

How is a Kahoot Created – A Step by Step Guide

Today we will discuss how is a Kahoot created a step by step guide. Kahoot is an educational tool that works like a game, where those who progress the fastest in the answers to the questions are rewarded. Surely many times when entering class, you need to review what was discussed in the previous class; Or maybe you need to remember some definitions or some vocabulary with the students, Or you simply want to take the pulse to see if they are assimilating some key concepts of the subject.

Instead of a boring questionnaire, or trying to throw questions into the air waiting for someone’s voluntary initiative to answer, you can ask a series of questions from gamification, offering a series of possible answers to choose from within a time limit of just a few seconds, and can be answered individually or in a group. And using mobile devices like push buttons as the best of contests.

Kahoot allows you to do all of that.

It is about designing an interface or board to play, called Kahoot, where questions regarding the content that the teacher introduces will appear, such as irregular verbs in English, types of triangles, characteristics of a pictorial work …

Obviously, the first thing would be to register and choose to access through the option for teachers or any other, and then create our personal profile either from our social profiles or from the manual entry of an email account.

To create a Kahoot, we must have a user account at This account is free.

  • We visit and click on “Sign up for free”.
  • Then it asks us what type of user we are (teacher, student over 16 years old, business, etc.).
  • Finally, we have to choose a username, leave an email address and choose a password:
  • We will receive a welcome message from “Team Kahoot” at the email address we have specified.

From now on, we can already enter with our username and password to create Kahoots and to use them in class. You just need to go to “Sign In” and enter our information:

The first screen allows us to view our history and create new activities:

In the upper bar, we see the “New K!” Button, which is used to create a Kahoot activity. To your right is “My Kahoots”, to see the list of activities that we have created, that have been shared with us or that we have duplicated from other users’ creations. Then we see “Public Kahoots”, which is used to search for Kahoot created by others. Finally, there are links to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ), technical support (“Support”) and our account (profile, results of activities carried out, password…).

The central part of the screen contains a random “banner” with proposals on the use of Kahoot. There is also a shortcut to creating the different types of Kahoot that exist:

1) Quiz. The most popular. Multiple choice questions, generally on a competitive basis.

2) Jumble. Order (phrases, ideas from a text, etc.)

3) Discussion. Through their devices, students propose aspects to discuss, which will appear on the screen of the class.

4) Survey. To do surveys, with multiple-choice questions.

Some statistics and links appear in the right third.

At the moment, it is not possible to combine these types of questions in a single activity.

Creation of a “Quiz” (test, test).

The first screen asks us for the general data of the test: title, description, representative image (optional), if all Kahoot users can see it (“everyone”) or if we want it only for ourselves (“Only Me”), the language in which it is written and the target audience. There is also space for credits and to include an introductory video (explaining a grammatical topic, leading to comprehension activities, etc.). When we have entered at least the mandatory information (where it says “required”), we click “Ok, go”.

The next screen allows us to add the first question. It also offers us the possibility of changing the data that we have entered on the previous screen, through the pencil icon in the upper right.

To create the first question, we must click on “Add question”. Then the page will appear where we can write the questions, the answer options and establish other parameters such as the time we give them to answer, if the question gives points or not, if it contains an image or video, etc.

In the first field, “Question”, we must write the question. It cannot exceed 90 characters.

Then we enter at least 2 answers and click on the round with the “tick” to the right of each option to mark which one or what are the correct options (there may be more than one correct answer).

How To Play Kahoot Quiz Games

There is a drop-down menu that allows you to determine the time limit to answer each question, which ranges from 5 to 120 seconds. Next to it, we have the button to activate or deactivate the points. That is, we can decide that a question does not award points for the classification of the game.

At the top right of the screen is the space to add a photo or video to the question. The video must be from Youtube.

The last line allows you to add credits.

A question could go like this

When we have already filled in all the necessary fields, we click on the “Next” button in the upper right corner. This will take us to the screen that allows us to add more questions or save the questionnaire from administering it and/or to edit it on another occasion.

From the list of questions, which appears every time we save one, we can modify the time limit, edit the created question, duplicate it or delete it. To do this, we use the buttons on the right side of each question.

If we decide to finish the questionnaire and save it, we will click on “Save”, and we will see this screen:

At this time, the questionnaire is already saved. If we click on “I’m done”, we will see the Kahoot list from our Kahoot account. If not, we can choose the option to re-edit the questionnaire and its questions (“Edit it”), preview it (“Preview It”), play with this questionnaire (“Play it”) or share it (“Share it”).

How to Create Kahoot Quiz Games 2021

As we all know due to coronavirus everything is closed and lockdown even school, colleges and universities, and many people are already on vacation. So there is enough time to sharpen the gray matter and to prove yourself against friends, family members or colleagues in a small quiz. The great thing is that there is an app like Kahoot – Play & Create Quizzes ( App Store-Link ), which not only enables you to complete pre-designed question games but also to create your own quiz games. In this post, you will learn how to create Kahoot quiz games step by step complete guide.

Kahoot for iPhone or iPad is generally free to download even for android. If you want, you can activate additional functions using a paid subscription option. The developers also attach great importance to offering their app for teachers and students in educational institutions free of charge. A pro version for schools then contains a photo library with millions of pictures, folders and detailed statistics. Whether you are a teacher, student or leisure quiz master – the basic version of Kahoot can be used free of cost without any problems.

Even if you don’t want to create your own quiz games with questions, you will find a larger selection of existing game rounds on a wide variety of topics in Kahoot. At the end of 2019, the developers are also making some year-specific quiz games available, for example on films and music this year, or Christmas quiz games to match the season. If a friend, colleague, teacher or family member has created a quiz, you can join it using a quiz code.

As a teacher, you are always on the lookout. You are looking for ways to make classes varied, creative and motivating for the students. One simple process to do this is to use “Kahoot!

What is Kahoot?

“Kahoot!” Is a free learning platform based on games. This means that you can play and learn at the same time in the classroom, either in a team or competitively “everyone against everyone”.

How does it work?

All you have to do as a teacher is to register on the Kahoot website. You can then access pre-made games or create your own tasks in minutes. You have the choice between the classic multiple-choice task format, a Jumble task type in which the different answer options have to be put in the right order, a discussion or a survey.

With the common assignment task, questions can be entered with up to four possible answers. You determine the correct solution and enter how much time the students have to answer the question.

After creating the questionnaire, you can start right away: In the classroom, the teacher opens his “Kahoot!” It is decided whether the game participants compete against each other in teams or individually. A PIN number now appears on the screen, which the students enter, for example, with their smartphones under the Kahoot game page.

When all players are logged in, the game can start. The previously entered questions and answer options appear on the screen. Students answer the respective question by clicking the – hopefully correct – answer symbol on their smartphone screen. After each round a ranking of the best players appears, in the end, the winners are determined.

How to Create Kahoot Quiz Step by Step Complete Guide

If you want to create your own quiz for the Kahoot platform, you can do it with just a few simple clicks. Find out exactly how to do this in this practical tip.

  1. First register on Kahoot.
  2. After you have registered and logged in, click on “Quiz”.
  3. In the initial step, you choose a name and a description for your quiz. You can also upload a picture. Determine who the quiz is visible to and specify the language. Continue with a click on “Ok, go”.
  4. You will then see the overview. With a click on “Add question,” you add a question.
  5. There you enter a question and at least two possible answers. You can specify up to four answer options. Then set a time limit and indicate whether there should be points for this question.
  6. Now create further questions or click on “Save” at the top right to save the quiz.
  7. When you’re done, click “I’m done” in the top right corner so your quiz can be completed and published. You can then forward the quiz to your students or friends and family using the “Share it” button.

How to Play Kahoot Quiz

  1. Select quiz and press “Play“.
  2. The two-game modes appear symbolically: “Classic” and “Team mode”. Select what you want.
  3. A so-called game PIN is generated and displayed. The other players choose “Enter PIN” on their device and give themselves or the team a “nickname”. All participants are listed as players.
  4. Once all players have been listed, you can start with “Start”. The question is displayed on the screen, as are the up to four possible answers. Only the up to four colored selection fields that have to be pressed appear on the player devices. The faster, the higher the score that can be achieved. The current ranking appears between the questions, plus a cool soundtrack – pure excitement and action.
  • Tip: The game director should absolutely check all questions and answers for correctness, spelling, and meaningfulness. There are always mistakes in the finished kahoots. But also the self-produced games should be subjected to a thorough examination beforehand to avoid disappointment and frustration among the players.
  • Tip: This game is not only fun in the classroom, but you can also fight fairly at home or with friends.


The Kahoot app! is available free of charge in the app and play store:

  • Everything else can be found in the instructions and video tutorials around the website. 
  • The app Kahoot is on the rental devices of the SMZ Stuttgart already installed.
  • Requirements: Internet “mandatory”. Otherwise, any device from PC to iPod …

Special Functions for Use in Class

The functions for teachers are particularly great: for example, you can create a Kahoot quiz at home and then complete it in the classroom with your students. There are also some live gaming functions where the app can be used as a game controller, and medals can be won. The quiz can also be transferred from an iPhone or iPad to a large screen, and there is also the option of distributing Kahoot quizzes to the students as homework and then following the learning process.

One should keep in mind that the 81 MB app, which is to be installed from iOS 9.3, is so far only available in English. Quiz games can of course also be written in other languages, but the interface and the quizzes provided by Kahoot are still in English. This small but nice quiz app is always fun.

Possible Uses

The possible uses of this tool are, therefore, very diverse. “Kahoot!” S can be used

  • as an icebreaker to introduce and introduce a new topic.
  • To repeat and deepen knowledge.
  • To check the development of the level of knowledge, because you have the opportunity to compare and improve the new with the old result when you play again.
  • To promote and strengthen teamwork and collaboration.
  • For exam preparation.
  • To let the students slip into the teacher role when creating their own “Kahoot!” s.

and (this is new):

  • As homework with the mobile app.


The advantages of “Kahoot!” Are obvious, because there are very few students of any age, for whom the use of a game in the classroom is not motivating. The students will also be picked up in their everyday reality, as the use of smartphones is part of the everyday life of young people. With “Kahoot!” S, common types of examination-relevant tasks can be easily modified and used in a very varied manner.


In English classes in a 12th grade of the technical college, after reading a text, the multiple-choice tasks of the Reading Comprehension were presented as “Kahoot!”.

The pre-class curriculum PLUS requires the students to deliberately deal with “the English language and the cultural areas associated with it (e.g. USA, Great Britain, Australia)”. As part of this expectation of competence, the classroom knowledge of the pupils was checked in a teaching unit on “Great Britain” using a “Kahoot!” The class had a lot of fun answering the questions with the smartphones, which can also be seen in the winning photo: